Week 1 - Steve LaFave ($50)
Our Faith Formation Program will be next Sunday, October 20. For families who have not registered for our Faith Formation Program, registration packets are in the church lobby or on our website under “Faith Formation” . Please complete the registration form and census card and put it in the church collection basket. In the registration packet, you will find the Faith Formation Guidelines which explain our program. If you have any questions/concerns regarding our Faith Formation Program, please contact Sue Lefebvre, Faith Formation Director at 518-536-1843. Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be at St. Patrick’s Parish Center. Grades 7 and 8 will be at St. Mary’s Parish Center. Confirmation Classes will be in St. Patrick’s Rectory.
AIDE FOR ASSISTANCE ... We are also looking for an Aide to help on Sundays when classes are in session in St. Patrick’s Parish Center. If you are interested, please contact Sue Lefebvre, Faith Formation Director, at 518-536-1843.
FAITH FORMATION SCHOOL SUPPLIES ... The Faith Formation Program is in need of school supplies for our upcoming program which will be starting in October. The supplies that are needed are the following: portfolios, boxed tissues, glue sticks, tape, pencil cases, crayons, and construction paper. We will truly appreciate any donations you can give to our program. Please drop off your donations at St. Mary's/St. Patrick's Sacristies or Rectories.
FAITH FORMATION INFORMATION ... The Diocese of Ogdensburg has requested that a child have a continuous education of their faith from their 1st Year Program through their 9th Year Program so that the growth of their faith will grow with them and become stronger. All students are mandated not only to attend classes from 1st to 9th Grade, but also the attend Mass on a weekly basis. With this in mind, please note that First Communion is a two-year program, and students must complete 1st and 2nd Grades in order to make their First Communion. Confirmation is also a two-year program and students must complete 8th and 9th Grades in order to make their Confirmation.
FIRST GRADE REGISTRATION ... If you have a child who will be beginning First Grade this coming school year, please contact Sue Lefebvre at 518-298-2485. The same also applies to any new families in our Parish who will have children in any of our Grades 1 through 9.
ST. PATRICK’S FOOD SHELF ... will be open on Wednesdays, 9:30 to 10:30AM or call the Rectory (518-297-7361) for an appointment.
FOOD ITEMS THAT ARE NEEDED: Macaroni, Hot/Cold Cereal, Peanut Butter, Mayo, Ketchup, Mustard, Canned Beef Stew, Chicken Noodle Soup, Hamburger Helper, Instant Potatoes, Past Sauce, Stuffing Mix, Side Dishes (rice, noodles, etc.).
Flowers may be planted in front of monuments, preferably protected by paving stones, not to exceed 15 inches from the front of the monument foundation. (These paving stones can be placed in a straight or curved fashion, but must not exceed the 15 inches allowed). Perennials will be permitted on lots, but their height may not be more than 15 inches and they must be within the 15-inch boundary in front of the foundation. As we have said in the past and continue to reiterate, artificial flowers may be placed on the monuments only and are not permitted in the ground. Artificial flowers are considered “on the monument” if they are in an appropriate (durable) pot that touches the monument or are of a size that can be placed on the monument foundation. Artificial flowers placed in the ground are an insurance liability and also a hazard for those moving and working in the cemetery. If they are placed in the ground, they will be removed. Also, please do not place any glass containers on the lots as they may break and cause damage to cemetery equipment and personnel.
CEMETERY NEWS... The cost of a single lot in both St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Cemeteries is $600 (this includes $300 which is used for Endowed Care). Also note that the cost to open and close a grave is $600. Opening and closing cremation graves is $300.
If you have a complaint of suspected misconduct involving diocesan clergy, religious, employees or volunteers, contact Victims Assistance Coordinator, Terrianne Yanulavich, Ph.D., LMHC, 5050 Route 374, Merrill, NY 12955;[email protected] Phone: 518-358-3145 (days); 518- 569-0612 (evenings); or Father Christopher Carrara, the Episcopal Vicar for Clergy; [email protected] Phone: 315- 393-2920 ext. 1340. If you have a complaint of suspected sexual abuse or related misconduct by the bishops, contact the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service at 800-276-1562 or www.ReportBishopAbuse.org.
Please note that any Sanctuary Lamp (S.L), Blessed Mary (B.M.) or
St. Joseph (S.J.) Candles are still being lit at St. Patrick’s. The requests are listed below:
Below please find our updated prayer list. If a name has been removed and you would like to have it put back on, please contact the
Rectory and we would be happy to do so. Anyone with a special need for a current weekend, may request to have their name
added to the Mass Intention list for that weekend.
Thank you for your understanding.
Lee Gadway, Sandy Barcomb, Tom Barcomb, Thomas Lefebvre,
Donald Gilpin, Rollande Maskell, Angela Houle, Allen Nautel, Bill Kirk, Brenda Jolicoeur, Emma Savage, Barbara LaBombard, Fr. Clyde Lewis, Harvey Boutin, Eleanor Reynolds, Clara Turnbull, Zertuche Family